Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Keeping the space

I hate MySpace. I hate everything about the concept of MySpace. A hot, festering cesspool of teenage boredom, antipathy and ignorance, to me, MySpace embodies everything I have grown to despise about pop culture.

After reading this article, I loathe it even more. http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/14.07/murdoch_pr.html

Did you know that anyone and everyone who signs up for an account is automatically befriended by someone named Tom? Fake friends, folks. Who was the marketing mogul behind this genial decision? What was the thought process behind the creation of a generic 'Tom'? Is MySpace looking to singlehandedly save the self-esteem of shy teenage girls and creatine-consuming boys, ensuring that each and every user has at least one friend in their file?



X said...

EVERYONE is on MySpace. It troubles me. I refuse to bow to the masses! Boycott! (That's my word of th week) :)

Heather said...

I say we start a revolution. Down with the space! Down I say!

Anonymous said...

I agree, MySpace is kind of dumb :) and yes, There is a guy named Tom that will welcome you !

MontrealGurl said...

I've actually never gone onto MySpace and funny, there is not one iota of remorse either. Yay for the twenty and *ahem* thirty somethings who are taking a stand.

Anonymous said...

I take it you won't be my myspace friend now?