Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Blogging up the job market

And I went to Journalism school for three years because...?


X said...

Le sigh.

And funnt is this....

"Reporting—meaning the tradition by which a member of a distinct occupational category gets to cross the usual bounds of geography and class, to go where important things are happening, to ask powerful people blunt and impertinent questions, and to report back, reliably and in plain language, to a general audience—is a distinctive, fairly recent invention." that's why Jean Charest avoided me at the last political thing I covered with him....I was too blunt! LMAO. Love the definition.

X said...

funny :P

Heather said...

I take offense to the 'impertinent' bit. I think we ask fairly intelligent and well-formulated questions. Sounds like a disgruntled journalist wrote that :)