Thursday, September 21, 2006

Lego that ego, baby

Things you will find in a political science class at Concordia University:

Fake British accents
Coke bottles with the labels ripped off
Briefcases with nothing in them except for gel pens and peanut butter sandwiches
Hemp clothing
Docker pants held up by Banana Republic belts
People wearing glasses who don’t need glasses
A disregard for the entire ‘raise your hand, wait for the professor’s nod, now speak,’ process
A disproportionate amount of people with unverifiable ties to politicians, lawyers and reputable journalists
Yourself, feeling shocked at the amount of nostrils you’re suddenly able to see into, because it has been scientifically proven that poli sci students hold their noses in the air at a quantifiably higher rate than students in any other program.

Things overheard in a political science class at Concordia University:

'I’d be inclined to disagree with you'
'That is a statement of obvious ignorance'
'Dude, like, I’ve got a blog'
'When I was working for the GOVERNMENT'
'And so that is why I am completely awesome, and am therefore better than all the rest of you and when I leave this class will sail onto a positively brilliant career solely based on my own, innate fabulousness.'

NB. This last one is an exaggeration, but not by much.


X said...

LOL, those descriptions remind me of the poli sci scourses I took at ConU...dead on Heath, dead on.

LMAO..'I’d be inclined to disagree with you' I've heard that one so many times....

Anonymous said...

why, why, why would you ever go into a political science class? As a former poli sci student, I know they are the worst!(Myself not included, because I am so damned cool))

Heather said...

K -I just don't remember seeing that kind of pretentiousness in J-School. It's an eye-opener, for sure.

D -I've been asking myself that question a lot, lately!

Arthur Willoughby said...

I'm so embarrassed. "Dude, like, I've got a blog" was me. Sorry, I thought I was special.

Anonymous said...

I love fake british accents. Of course, there's nothin' like the genuine one, but I'd go for one who can do one...mmmmhmmm...

concordia university you say???

S'Mat said...

i've been accused of having a fake british accent before. but it's a fake fake one (real, but temporarily removed by virtue of a youthful emmigration), and one time an accuser was a born and bred scot with a canadian accent (which, believe me, is far more ostentatious.) accents'll let you lyricize your oration, and considering i'm a word nerd, it's the only way i can speak without inwardly overediting and rendering myself incommunicable: with a rhythm. consciously keeping my accent was the only way for me.
you should try a mcgill philosophy class sometime if you want to see eccentric posing... or an eng lit. class, which's apparently just an operation in passing opinionated gas through one's teeth.