Friday, December 29, 2006

Missed that memo

And as you sit, drinking a cup of tea, laughing at taped episodes of Arrested Development, thinking to yourself, well, this is comfortable, it's comfortable at least, it changes.

He calls to you, through a door steamed shut, faint scents of cologne and shaving cream seeping from underneath it,

'Hey -babe, do we have plans on the 30th?'

And suddenly the Earl Gray in your mouth turns to cement and you think,

'Christ, when did this happen?


Heather said...

Ugh. Caron, I think it will be a slow extraction process. If you have any more uplifting stories to share, bring 'em!

Mood Indigo said...

wow - I look forward to the unveiling. And Arrested Development rocks!

Isabel said...

"Comfortable". Not really what I thought we were supposed to be aiming for.
I mean, comfortable, yes, but not when you describe it with that word. Because then it's not "can be totally myself with you" comfortable. It's just "comfortable".